The violin, viola and cello are string instruments that grow in size, lower in range, require more pressure to play and have different colours in the sound. Hear various duos that showcase each instrument brilliantly and feel the intimate room at Everly Inn ring differently. This concert is in support of the Mohawks of Tyendinaga Long-Term Care Project. Enjoy an intimate concert in the stunning Everly Inn and make a direct impact to our community.
Charitable tax receipts of $40 will be issued for each ticket purchased.
Hiu-Sing Fan, violin*
Pui Ying Wong, violin *
Florian Peelman, viola
Sheila Jaffe, viola
Trey Lee, cello
Peter Eom, cello
Event Schedule
1:00 pm Doors Open
2:00 pm Concert starts
3:00 pm Concert ends
Concert Duration: 1 hour
Adults: $120
BIGLAKE will donate $40 to the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte Long Term Care Facility, and will issue a tax receipt of $40 to all ticket holders
Everly Inn
19072 Loyalist Parkway, Hillier, Ontario, Canada K0K 1T0 Map
Food & Refreshments
Refreshments will be available for your enjoyment, compliments of Everly Inn.